12 Traits of the Siberian Husky that you need to know before adopting


12 Traits You Should Know Before Adopting a Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is one of the most striking and beautiful breeds. Their icy blue eyes will suck you into a world of love at first sight. Before you jump in with both feet and bring home a puppy, here are 12 Siberian Husky traits and facts you should know about before bringing a Siberian Husky home.

siberian husky puppies

My husky, Halo is the most entertaining and engaged dog I have ever had. He thrives on attention. I call him “high maintenance” and he is that, but I wouldn’t change a thing.

siberian husky traits

When I meet people that say that they want a husky because they are so pretty, I worry. In my opinion, Siberians are the best breed in the world, but they are a lot of work. So many end up in shelters because people are unaware of their unique personality and needs.


husty trait happy extrovert

The Siberian Husky is good-natured, outgoing, energetic, and super friendly. Huskies, similarly to that extroverted friend we have, need the social stimulation of others (humans and other dogs). Socializing to a husky is better than bacon (well, maybe…)!

Puppy training is crucial for proper manners and self-control around new people. They are noted for jumping up to greet people.

The Siberian Husky originated by the Chukchi people of northeastern Asia. They were born into a pack of working sled dogs and maintaining their pack orientation to this day.

A husky left alone can develop undesirable behaviors such as eating your sofa.

If you work long hours away from home, perhaps consider a different breed.



Huskies are athletes! Don’t be fooled by their cuddly appearance; they do not want to lay on your bed all day like a stuffed animal. Siberian Huskies require a lot of exercise to be happy and healthy. REALLY, A LOT.

siberian husky sled dogs

I’m not suggesting you start training for the Iditarod, but in reality, that was their job for thousands of years. Good examples of exercise for your pet husky are running, hiking and bikejoring.


bikejoring with siberian husky

Top 10 dog breeds for hiking
If you’re not an active person, this isn’t the breed for you.

Watch Halo bikejoring


husky peaking out of fence siberian husky traits

Houdini himself would be impressed by the husky’s ability to escape. Huskies can dig out, jump out or finagle a door lock to get out and run about the neighborhood. “Places to be and people to see.”

It is not recommended to allow huskies off-leash. They have “the wanderlust” gene and the need for a good run.

If you’re looking for a dog that is good off leash, a Husky may not be for you.



Siberians have a dense double coat (undercoat and guard hairs) that can withstand sub-zero temperatures. The fur is soft and beautiful. Weekly brushings are recommended (all 52 weeks). On a good note, the fur is odorless and self-cleaning. Huskies only require a few baths a year provided the stay out of the mud and such. Good luck!

siberian husky trait shedding

Siberian Huskies shed or “blow” their coat twice a year, but in reality, there will be fur stuck to everything all year long. It will be on your sofa, on your clothes, and in your food. Invest in a good vacuum cleaner and stock up on lint rollers. I clean daily, and I still have fur “tumbleweeds” rolling across the kitchen floor. My vacuum is my BFF.

These products may help- check my favorites on Amazon





If you are a neat-freak, perhaps a husky is not right for you.



Siberian Huskies are smart! Not just smart, they are independent thinkers. They will decide if they want to do what you ask or not. While Siberians are trainable, you will undoubtedly be outsmarted by your dog at some point.

Huskies respond well to clicker training and are very engaged. Huskies love learning new tricks. The need for mental stimulation is a great as the need for exercise. Tug of war toys are fantastic.

If you don’t have time for training, consider a professional or a different breed.



Siberians have a high prey-drive. “SQUIRREL!”



husky trait howling

Siberian Huskies will howel, talk and yes, they can bark if they want to. Their vocabulary will amaze and put a smile on your face. You will fill your smartphone with videos of a chatty husky.


Siberians are lovely family dogs. They are gentle around children (provided they are exercised regularly). Kids are perfect for keeping up with this active breed. They can be rambunctious and bouncy and could knock a child over. Supervision around small children is always recommended with any dog breed.

siberian huskies are great with kids

Siberian Huskies want to be a member of the family, not an occasional visitor from the outdoor kennel.

husky with kids

All dogs, including huskies, deserve to be part of the family. If you want to kennel your dog outside all day, maybe you should consider a cat.

Speaking of cats, some huskies aren’t good with cats. They fall into the hi-pray category. Caution should be used introducing a husky to cats especially if you get an adult from a rescue.


Siberian Huskies are not big eaters, but dog worry, what you save on dog food you will spend on Swiffer refills.

Scientists are unsure why, but they somehow can change their metabolism to run for hours without burning energy and preserving their fat stores for later. Huskies were bred to run and pull sleds over long distances on minimal calories. Therefore they break down food more efficiently than other dog breeds. My husky will leave food in his dish when he’s had enough.


NOPE. Siberian Huskies are terrible watchdogs. Huskies will invite the robber in a snack, playtime and a nap.

If you’re looking for a guard dog, a Siberian isn’t for you.



husky digs holes

Your Husky will dig up your yard! They love to dig. Our yard is littered with potholes; it’s a mystery why there is never enough dirt to refill in the holes.

Back in their sled-dogging days, Siberian Huskies would dig into the snow to shelter themselves from the cold and the wind. one of the oldest dogs breeds and remain virtually unchanged for thousands of years.

husky digging holes

If your lawn and yard is your pride and joy, beware, Siberian Huskies are diggers!



husky traits kisses

They will have a fierce love for you, and you them. They’ll love hiking, running and spending time with you, but they won’t lay at your feet all day. “Let’s go outside!”

family with husky traits

If you’re energetic, love the outdoors and are committed, a Siberian Husky might be the dog for you.



The Siberian Husky is a cool weather breed, although they can adapt to warmer climates with the use of air conditioners and exercising early in the morning and later at night.

siberian husky traits snowdog

They love the snow and cool/cold air. They’re from Siberia after all.

If you live in the desert, a Rhodesian Ridgeback might be a better choice.


Siberian Huskies (Complete Pet Owner’s Manual)



Siberian Huskies are a fantastic breed. They are comical, entertaining and downright fun to be around. They are also high maintenance and not right for everyone. Do extensive research before deciding on a Husky. Too many dogs are surrendered to shelters from unprepared and uneducated people who had no idea what they were getting into. Check the AKC website for breed standards here 

Consider rescuing a husky from a shelter or be sure to investigate a good breeder.


An Afterthought

For reasons I can’t explain, many apartments will not allow any variety of huskies. If you think you may have to relocate, it’s something to consider.

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Check out Halo’s gear page https://hikewithhalo.com/halos-gear-and-products-we-love/

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